KGB: Hidden SMS and contacts 1.4.1
New application KGB will let you:• Keep a private contact list• Hide messages – they won’t be shown in a general message folderon your phone – but in a separate list accessible only through theapplication• Hide outgoing and incoming calls – the calls made through theapplication won’t be shown in your call history.1. After buying and installing the application, you need to adda widget to one of your computer desktop to your phone.2. After installing the widget on your desktop smartphone, open thewidget by tapping on it.3. In the settings you can set the password and save it.4. To enter into the protected program, you must enter the passwordpreviously set by pressing the corresponding buttons(rivets) on thewidget program KGB.Now you can hide contacts from your address book, or create newones, inside a protected application KGB contact books. You canwrite and receive hidden SMS messages or calls from numbers thatare added to your contact book hidden by KGB.Warning!The application is only for Smart phones. We don’t guarantee theprogram will work properly on tablets.If you have questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail us:support@appsolution.mobiUsage the application on Samsung and HTCTo add a widget on your smartphone free to click on the desktop andkeep for a couple of seconds. In the pop-up menu, select thedesired widget and add to any of your smartphone for freedesktops.Usage the application on SonyTo add a widget on Sony need to click on the screen, then in thepop-up menu, click on the "+" button and select a widget.
Hands Free SMS 2.2.1
"This app's creating your sms "without yourhands".There is only one thing you need to do - to click the microphonebutton.App pluses:- Your free hands for anything - that's important thing especiallyfor drivers.- You can make your messages and pay you attention to theroad.- You can observe traffic rules.- This app can read aloud your outgoing sms if you need check it.You need just listen.- Your language support (if your сell/communicator has correctregional options)This app using is nice'n'easy. There is no reason to break yourdoings.You don't need to stop - keep walking!Follow driving rules!And send your messages.This app allow you to forget about unconvenient small keyboardand texting.You may just say a word or sentence and program transform yourvoice into text giving you list of examples to select from.he selected (the most correct) text message's already automaticallycopied to the clipboard.And you may use it again, in another app. You may past it intoanother text.With this app you can:- Create your sms with your voice.- Listen created messages(text-to-speech technology).- Get support and up-graide.Terms:- WI-FI or GPRS connectionATTENTION!!!TTS engine requires!!!Before download this app please check it in in your settings. TTSmust be on."Hands Free SMS" step-by-step.- Tap the app.- Tap the microphone' icon in the middle of the screen.- Clearly say aloud your message.- Select the best from the pop-up list in the top of thescreen.- Choose the contact from your "phone book" or enter a phonenumber.- Send.Your suggestions, proposals or questions you can send by e-mail andwe gladly answer, respond and solve your questions and problemsfaster than you write down a negative comment.We waiting your message to support@appsolution.mobi -send your comments and help us make our apps better for you.
Appsolution Receive & Speak 2.1
"Appsolution Receive&Speak" - This is avoice informing app. It's for reading aloud of your SMSs andincoming calls numbers. The app is using your contacts from aphone-book.This app created to inform you about incoming calls."Appsolution Receive&Speak" will says aloud a caller name andnumber information from your address book (or just a number).This app will be read aloud incoming SMS for you.The "Appsolution Receive&Speak" informs and reads its foryou.Your never miss you calls anymore when this app is ON - you'll beheard who's calling.You'll be able to get to know what your friends have just sentto you in the SMS.With "Appsolution Receive&Speak" you can:get to know who is calling and what is in your new SMS do notdistracting from your things, business, or driving.You get:Desktop Widget for easy ON/OFF voice notification of phone callsand SMS.App needs:TTS (Text-To-Speach). Probably you need to install TTS (and voices)before you can use this app."Appsolution Receive&Speak" requires OS Android 2.1 andabove.Your suggestions, proposals or questions you can send by e-mailand we gladly answer, respond and solve your questions and problemsfaster than you write down a negative comment. We waiting yourmessage to support@appsolution.mobi -send your comments and help us make our apps better for you.
reVisor AR 1.0.2
Хорошая новость для любителейдополненнойреальности! Вышло приложение reVISOR AR (AR - augmentedrealityприм.).Теперь дополненная реальность - у Вас в смартфоне илипланшете!Просто активируйте приложение, сканируйте пространство –открывайтетайны города не доступные другим.reVISOR AR – мобильная система распознавания иидентификацииобъектов, а так же скрытого контента дополненнойреальности.Как это работает?Step-by-step.Скачайте приложение.Активируйте его (откройте),Направьте экран смартфона на объекты вокруг Вас,сканируяпространство.Вы увидите процесс сканирования.Распознав скрытый контент, приложение выдаст Вам сообщение отом,какой контент Вы можете посмотреть – видео, фото,текстовый.Выбрав на экране вашего смартфона или планшета желаемый контент –Высможете его просмотреть.Например:Наведите на билборд – просмотрите скрытый ролик.Наведите на дом – посмотрите, кто из известных деятелей илиученыхживших там.Дополнительные функции*:Вы можете сами быть творцами своего контента!Фотографируйтесь! Публикуйте, привязывайте фотографии или видеокместности - ставьте метки. Делитесь в соцсетях.Вы можете выбирать, кому открывать ваши метки.Подробнее о приложении reVISOR AR поссылкеhttp://appsolution.mobi/ru/mobi/revisor-ar-demo*Дополнительные функции доступны в ближайших обновлениях.Good news for fansofaugmented reality! Published application reVISOR AR (AR -augmentedreality app.).Now augmented reality - you have your smartphone ortablet!Simply activate the app, scan the space - open the mysteriesof thetown are not available to others.reVISOR AR - mobile system recognition and identificationofobjects, as well as the hidden content augmented reality.How does it work?Step-by-step.Download the app.Activate it (open)Point the smartphone screen objects around you byscanningspace.You will see the scanning process.Recognizing the hidden content, the application will give youamessage about what kind of content you can watch - videos,photosand text.Selecting on the screen of your smartphone or tablet desiredcontent- you can view it.For example:Place on a billboard - view hidden video.Place your home - look who of famous figures or scholars wholivedthere. Additional features *:You can be the creators of their own content!Take pictures! Publish, tie photos or videos to the terrain -putlabels. Share in social networks.You can choose who to open your tags.More about the application reVISOR ARlinkhttp://appsolution.mobi/ru/mobi/revisor-ar-demo* Additional features available in the next updates.